Mediterranean Meatballs

iterranean Meatballs in a bowl of vegetables

We’ve been stuck inside for nearly a month now. If you’re like me, you’re tired of ordering delivery from the same 3 restaurants, and trying to cook more at home. I’d also be willing to bet you’re telling yourself and everyone else that you need to eat healthier since you’re consuming so many more liquid calories. (Maybe you’re not, because YOLO, and who the hell knows what’s going to happen next, right?). But even if you aren’t looking to eat healthy, these meatballs are really damn delicious, and you should make them.

Ground turkey is a protein I use often. I find that the chopped mushrooms in this recipe really keep the turkey moist. I haven’t tried them with other proteins, but if all you can find at your grocery store this week is ground boar- why not give it a shot? If you do try something exotic, please do let me know how they came out in the comments!

I added these to the Mediterranean Bowl in the photo below. You could also serve them on a sandwich (make them as patties- get crazy). If you’re stuck eating that pasta you hoarded and can’t return to Costco- try these on top! Eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You get the picture.

ANyhow, I hope you enjoy these as much as I do, and add them to your menu.

Stay safe, stay home, and wash your damn hands.


Mediterranean Meatballs

Makes approximately 15 meatballs.


1 LB Ground Turkey

1 C Mushrooms, chopped small

1 C Spinach, chopped small

2 T Coconut Flour

1 Large Egg

1 T Dried Rosemary

Salt & Pepper


Preheat oven to 375 degrees (F). Line a baking rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper, and coat with coconut oil spray.

Chop mushrooms and spinach into small pieces.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Mix with a fork, or your fingers until combined.

With a spoon, roll the ingredients into 1-1 1/2” meatballs, and place on the baking sheet.

Bake for approximately 15 minutes, or until the meatballs reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees F.

Serve in a salad, sandwich, or over pasta or rice.

To Make the Mediterranean Bowl pictured:

Sauté cauliflower rice, and add to bowl.

Top rice with Meatballs, pickled Beets, greens (I used micro arugula and broccoli sprouts), and a salad of cucumber, tomato & red onion.

Add Greek dressing (I used Primal Kitchen) & feta cheese, if desired.


You could use a food processor for the vegetables if you like.

I’ve used other greens besides spinach in a pinch (like arugula or chard).

You could also use ground chicken or beef.

You could also make these into patties and serve them as burgers!

* This post may contain a few affiliate links which means if you use them to purchase products, I may get a small percentage of the purchase price. I appreciate when you do purchase through my links as this helps me keep my website up & running.


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