7 tips to Stay Healthy on the Road

Travel is opening up quickly. People are hitting the road by trains, planes, and automobiles. And while we can’t control the enviroment or the people around us, there are things we can do to make travel healthier. Whether you travel for business, or are planning a vacation getaway this Summer, here are seven tips to stay healthy while traveling.

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  1. Have a healthy Foundation

    Health starts at home. Before you even plan your next trip, assess what your health goals are, and develop habits and routines to reach and maintain them. If you’ve got a business trip or vacation coming up & you’re already practicing good health habits, it won’t be at all difficult to continue them on the road. You may need to adjust the intensity of your workouts, or loosen your dietary expectations a bit, but you won’t be worried about heading home 15 lbs heavier if you’ve already made a commitment to your health.

  2. MOVE Your Body

    Wherever you’re going, and whatever your schedule, the easiest way to stay healthy is to make sure you move whenever possible. If you’re on a business trip full of meetings, plan to get up early and hit the gym, or do a quick yoga session in your hotel room. There are many apps available that provide free workout options, often using only bodyweight. If you’re on vacation, perhaps you can plan some activities like a hike or kayaking. And no matter what your travel reason, walking is ALWAYS an easy way to get daily movement in. Whatever you do, just keep moving!

  3. Be Mindful

    Meditation can have a huge effect on the health of both your mind and body. It requires little time or equipment, so there’s no reason to no incorporate it into your daily routinwe. There are many apps that provide guided and unguided options for meditation, often in as little time as one minute. Find your favorite app, and find a few minutes in your day to stop and recharge.

  4. Eat WISELY

    It’s easy to go off the rails when it comes to eating when traveling. If you’re on business trips, there are often dinners out and lunches in. And one of the best parts about being on Vacation is eating in new places, and trying the local cuisine. However, no matter the options available to us, we can still prioritize healthy eating as much as possible. Plan on eating a good breakfast to avoid mindless munching. Prioritize protein and veggies in all your meals. Bring healthy snacks. And lastly, allow yourself to indulge a little and enjoy your trip!


    Hydration is super important on the road. Being dehydrated can increase the effects of jet lag, and just generally make you feel like crap. Be sure to bring a refillable water bottle for your trip, fill up after security, and keep sipping on long plane rides. When you reach your desitnation, always start and end your day with a big glass of water. Avoid too many dehydrating foods or drinks, including coffee and alcohol. I personally always have these hydration packets on hand to give me a hydration boost when needed.

  6. Prioritize Sleep

    It can be a challenge to get a good night’s sleep on the road. Try to keep to your regular schedule as much as possible, avoiding the temptation to stay up too late. Use an eye mask or white noise app to help block out the environment around you. Most importantly, listen to your body. If you feel like you need rest, get it. You’ll feel better the next day and will be ready to tackle whatever is on your itinerary.

  7. Be Prepared

    Don’t leave your health at home. The best way to know you can stay on track is to prepare. Be sure to download helpful apps for exercise, meditation, or searching out healthy food options ahead of time. Do some research on restaurant options, local running groups or walking routes. Bring along your exercise clothes amd comfortable shoes. Being prepared is half the battle.

What tips do you have for healthy travel? Let us know in the comments!

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