Foods For stress management

A salmon poke bowl with seaweed and rice in a white bowl

Stress is unavoidable. It’s part of life.

Some stress can even be good for us. It’s been shown that short bouts of stressors like exercise (think HIIT), cold exposure, and intermittent fasting can help the body adapt to more chronic stressors in life. But those longer term stressors can really wreak havoc on our lives emotionally & physically.

One of the best ways to combat stress is to be prepared!! Your body can handle stressors better when it’s healthy. You can help it along by taking consistent care of yourself through exercise, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, meditation, and feeding your body the right foods.

blueberries in a whie bowl sitting on a cutting board

When it comes to fueling your body and your brain, there are some things that will definitely help woth stress reduction. A whole foods diet is a great place to start- processed foods aren’t doing you any favors when it comes to feeling your best. Make sure your diet is full of healthy fats, veggies, and high-fiber foods.

Below are some of my favorite stress-busting foods. You’ll probably notice that many of the foods listed below are also part of the Mediterranean Diet, which has been shown to help prevent stress and anxiety. Check them out, and add a few to your diet today!

iced match in a glass
  1. Fatty Fish: Salmon, Mackerel, and Sardines are fantastic sources of omega-3 fats and also Vitamin D. (Not sure about Sardines? Check out my Stay At Home Sardine Salad on crackers or with your favorite veggies!)

  2. Leafy Greens: Spinach & Swiss Chard are some of my favorite stress busting greens. Both are rich in Magnesium which can help regulate cortisol.

  3. Eggs: Whole Eggs (in particular the yolks) are full of vitamins, minerals & amino acids. Choline in egg yolks is essential for brain health, and may help protect against stress. (Two of my most popular egg recipes on the Blog are my Bacon, Asparagus, & Mushroom Frittata and my Chorizo & Kale Egg Muffins.)

  4. Blueberries: These little anti-inflammatory powerhouses are high in antioxidants, help reduce inflammation, and may have neuroprotective properties. (My Balsamic Fruit Crumble is a great way to enjoy blueberries- check out the recipe here!)

  5. Matcha: One of my favorite beverages, matcha is rich in L-theanine which has powerful stress-relieving properties.

  6. Fermented Foods: These probiotic rich foods are key for good gut health which in turn has a beneficial effect on mental health. They also may reduce stress and anxiety symptoms.

  7. Broccolli & Other Cruciferous Vegetables: Many of these veggies are swimming with nutrients such as magnesium, Vitamin C, and folate which have been shown to help counteract depressive symptoms. The sulforaphane in Broccoli also has neuroprotective properties.

  8. Oysters: These shelfish contain amino acids such as taurine, along with other vitamins and minerals, which may help with depression.

If you’re still feeling like you need a little guidance reducing stress or improving your diet, sign up for a free strategy session to see if health coaching would be a good fit for you. You can sign up here.


Kubala, Jillian. “18 Terrific Foods to Help Reduce Stress.” Healthline, 08 Jun 2020,

Cuciureanu MD, Vink R. Magnesium and stress. In: Vink R, Nechifor M, editors. Magnesium in the Central Nervous System [Internet]. Adelaide (AU): University of Adelaide Press; 2011. Available from:

LaChance LR, Ramsey D. Antidepressant foods: An evidence-based nutrient profiling system for depression. World J Psychiatry. 2018;8(3):97-104. Published 2018 Sep 20. doi:10.5498/wjp.v8.i3.97 Available from:


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