10 Mindfulness Tips to Survive the Holidays

Mindfulness is defined as the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. However modern life tends to challenge our ability to be mindful and focus on what’s right in front of us.  This feeling can intensify during the holidays when we’re being pulled in ten different directions, trying to finish up work for the year, attend holiday functions, buy gifts, decorate, etc. etc., etc. It’s no wonder so many feel overwhelmed and stressed this time of year.

Mindfulness can help!  It’s been shown that mindfulness can reduce anxiety and depression, lower blood pressure, and even improve sleep.  (Who couldn’t benefit from improved sleep during the holidays??)

This holiday season, plan on spending time with loved ones, attending holiday events, and eating all your favorite holiday foods- just do it mindfully. 

Here are a few tips to help you slow down and enjoy your holidays so you can wind down 2023 feeling grateful and not frazzled.

Set Intentions

Set your intention for this holiday season.  It can be a word or a feeling- something that sums up how you want to experience this holiday season.  Let it set the stage for how you go about things.  Post it up somewhere you’ll see it daily to remind yourself.

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is well known to improve mood, increase patience, and provide perspective on who we are right now.  Try writing down three things each morning that you are grateful for before you get your day started.

Check In with Yourself

Your feelings matter.  You can’t take on all the things and do them well if you’re feeling drained.  Check in with yourself on occasion and ask yourself if you’re really doing what you want to do, or if it’s time to prioritize & say no to an event that you just don’t have the time or energy for.

Manage Expectations

Nothing is perfect, not even the holidays.  Don’t let things like flight delays or burnt cookies ruin your holidays.  Take a deep breath, feel the disappointment, and then let it go.  Remember- life isn’t always about what happens, but how we react to it.

Be Kind

We all have our shit.  Sometimes we can deal, sometimes we can’t.  Sometimes the holidays make the things we’re dealing with feel even more difficult.  So be kind- you never know what someone else is dealing with at any given moment.  And always check-in on your people.  Especially the “strong” ones.


There’s a lot of noise in the world these days. The news, the internet, social media- it’s definitely distracting,  but it can also be depressing.  And it is definitely taking your attention away from whatever you’re doing.  Take some time during the holidays to unplug  Set screen limits- especially in the evening, delete your social media apps for a weekend, and resist the urge to binge Netflix.  There are better ways to spend your time.

Find Time for Yourself

Make sure to schedule time for yourself.  Self care is important, but it’s especially important during the holidays.  Schedule your gym time, go for a walk, book a massage. Make sure you fill your own cup before trying to fill others’.


Breathwork and Meditation have been daily non-negotiables for me for a while.  I can’t start my day without getting a few minutes in, and any time I feel like I need a pause, a few structured breaths will always bring me back down to earth.  If you’re new to meditation and breathwork, download an app like Insight Timer to get started.  It doesn’t have to be hours on end- sometimes a 1 minute breathwork break will do the trick!

Get Your Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important things we can do to stay healthy.  So make sure to set yourself up for a good night of restful sleep.  You know the drill, limit that screen time before bed, keep the room cool, and watch the alcohol (challenging but worth it).

Don’t Lose Sight of What Really Matters

Feeling frustrated?  Ask yourself where whatever is frustrating you fits in the grand scheme of things.  Can you use this moment as a learning opportunity?  If you need to, take a minute to reflect on the good things that occurred that day, or find a way to take a stressful moment and make it more enjoyable.

I hope that a few of these ideas inspire you to have a more mindful holiday season.  I hope that you are able to spend some time doing whatever it is that makes you happy, with whomever makes you happy.  And I hope you can continue some of these mindful habits as you step into 2024. 

Let me know in the comments how you’re spending your holidays, and what tips you find most helpful!


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